Build a new kind of relationship ...

Course curriculum

    1. Purpose

    2. Getting the Best from the Kit

    1. Purpose

    2. Download - Individual Assessment

    3. Download - Couple's Assessment

    1. Purpose

    2. Download - Individual

    3. Download - Couples' Vision

    1. Purpose

    2. Setting Habits

    3. Tracking Habits

    4. Reviewing Habits

    1. Purpose

    2. Practicing Gratitude

    1. Purpose

    2. Cards Download

About this course

  • €29,90
  • 18 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Who We Are

“We are Ian Peatey and Monica Reu, married for 15 years. We are both Certified Trainers in Nonviolent Communication and work extensively supporting couples through training, coaching and counselling. The Connection Kit contains core practices and approaches we developed to support our clients and ourslelves build a deep and sustainable intimate relationship. We live in Bucharest, Romania together with our teenage daughter. ”

Ian Peatey, Monica Reu